Licence key #
You can add colleagues to your organisation at any time. For this you need the role of the administrator. If you do not have this role, it can be changed by an administrator of your organisation as described in chapter Users.
As an administrator, you have access to the “Administration” area. Under the Licences tab, you will now see a table with your licence keys under the current consumption.
Copy the licence key and pass it on to your colleagues.
Register #
Provided you have received a licence key from a colleague, you can register with SIGN8 and join the existing organisation. The following page will take you to the registration.
Now enter your data in the mandatory fields. The field into which you must copy your licence key is marked red in the image. Mobile phone number, company and job title are optional fields and can be adjusted in the profile if required.
The mobile phone number is mandatory if you want to sign documents in the advanced or qualified area yourself. For more information, see the chapter Creating Workflows and Signing.