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Apply now for your qualified electronic seal for the EPREL database at SIGN8.

Your EPREL registration

Security for your company data

To register your product in the EPREL database, you must confirm all company data with a qualified electronic seal.
This seal acts like a company stamp and guarantees the authenticity of the documents.
It confirms that the document actually originates from your company and that the data is unchanged.

Remote sealing without hardware

You can use your qualified electronic seal without any hardware and apply for it from the comfort of your own home.


Do you need assistance? Our experts are happy to help you out. We have documented the entire process, from the application for the seal to its use in our documentation and as a tutorial and as a tutorial.

A short overview

How do I get my seal for EPREL?

Step 1: To receive your seal, you must first apply for it.
To do this, take out a business subscription with SIGN8 under "Test for free" and navigate to "Apply for seal" under "Administration" or "Administration".

Sign seal application electronically

Step 2: Then complete the seal application form truthfully and send it off.
After we have checked your details, we will send you an e-mail asking you to sign the seal application with a qualified signature.
Simply follow the steps provided.
Please have a valid ID document (passport or identity card) ready for identification.

Use seal

Step 3: We then create your qualified electronic seal, which you can then place on your EPREL application.

Your advantages

Easy to handle

You can easily apply for your seal online and do not need any additional hardware.

Fast availability

Your seal is usually available a few working days after you apply for it.


Your data is safe with us. Our systems are checked at regular intervals in internal and external independent audits, including by the Federal Network Agency.


Customize SIGN8 to your needs. This means you can also use SIGN8 quickly and easily in everyday life for other use cases. e.g. for sealing supplier agreements or signing employment contracts.


SIGN8 is a certified Trust Service Provider. Your advantage – your documents are not sent to other providers, but remain secure with us.

Can be integrated

Integrate secure signature processes into your own applications in no time at all with the SIGN8 API. We can help you with questions with pleasure.

Do you have any questions?

What documents do I need to apply for the seal?

To apply for the seal, you only need the details of the persons authorized to represent your company and a valid identification document (identity card or passport).

How can I identify myself?

You can confirm your identity quickly and easily online with SIGN8. To this end, we integrate the ident providers NECT, Verimi and the AuweisApp and also offer the option of on-site identification.

Can I continue to use my seal after EPREL registration?

Naturally. You can use your seal for various applications, such as sealing supplier agreements or notices.
All signature types (EES, FES & QES) are also automatically available for you to use.

Can my seal lose its validity?

No, your seal remains valid.
If you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be able to use your seal, but the documents you have already sealed will remain valid.