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Register management

made easy – with

SIGN8 Register

You can now rely on SIGN8 Register to keep an eye on your databases.

Trust Center Infrastruktur eIDAS TSP esignatur SIGN8 deutsch ausweis identity security authentification

Discover SIGN8 Register

What are register?

In order to make attributes accessible for the EUdi wallet, these must be kept in databases, so-called registers. These registers are subject to a conformity assessment, which means that they may only be managed by a qualified trust service provider (qTSP).

Why are registers required for the EUdi Wallet?

In order to be able to issue Qualified Electronic Attestations for attributes (QEAA), these attributes must be kept in a register. This enables the qTSP to compare the attribute with the identity of the owner and issue the QEAA on this basis.

Register with TCI

With SIGN8 GmbH, a qTSP and certification authority (CA), you can avoid the time-consuming and costly certification for register management. With our TCI, we offer you a comprehensive solution with which you can either manage the register yourself or we can do it for you – at the highest level of security and in a high-performance server environment.

Your advantages


SIGN8 is a qualified Trust Service Provider (qTSP) and is authorised to maintain conformity-assessed registers. This means you can avoid time-consuming and cost-intensive certification.


The qualified electronic journal ensures the origin, continuous chronology and integrity of your data records. This means you can benefit from complete transparency at all times.

Digitisation Service

Is your data still in physical folders? No problem. On request, we can digitise your paper-based documents in preparation for the register.


Our solution behind the register management, the TCI, is highly scalable. This allows you to flexibly cover additional use cases, such as encryption of emails or authentication methods, without any problems in the future.

Individual or complete solution

With our TCI, you have the choice: use either a solution for managing your register or a comprehensive care package that includes the maintenance of your register as well as the issuing of attributes and QES.


Our systems are regularly checked by internal and external audits, including by the German Federal Network Agency. So you can be sure that we offer you Trust Centre infrastructure components of the highest quality.

Do you have any questions?

What does QEAA stand for?

QEAA stands for Qualified Electronic Attestation of Attributes. Users of the EUdi-Wallet can use it to prove various attributes in the digital world, e.g. to authorities or companies. The QEAA may only be issued by a qTSP.

How does the register management work?

Registers are databases. To successfully integrate your entire database into the register, we first digitise the paper-based documents. New documents are then transferred via a flexible API directly into the database, which is hosted on the TCI.

What advantages do Qualified Electronic Journals offer me?

Qualified electronic journals make it possible to determine the origin of data sets. They guarantee a clear and consecutive chronological order of data records and ensure their integrity over time.