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Rethinking identity

with EUdi-Wallet

Optimally prepared for the future of digital wallets: with SIGN8

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EUid-Wallet in focus

What is the EUdi-Wallet actually?

The EUdi-Wallet, short for “European Digital Identity Wallet”, is a digital wallet that enables citizens and companies in Europe to identify themselves digitally in a variety of everyday areas. These include, for example, applying for administrative services, booking a rental car or opening a bank account.

How does the EUdi-Wallet actually work?

The basis of the EUdi-Wallet is the basic identity (PID, Personal Identification Data), which includes information such as name, nationality and address. Additional attributes such as driving license or diplomas can also be added to the wallet in order to share identity, data and certificates with third parties.

How can SIGN8 support you in implementing the EUdi-Wallet?

We support you in the implementation of the EUdi-Wallet in three key areas: the issuing of QEAA certificates, the provision of conformity-assessed registers and the use of qualified electronic signatures (QES).

We know

Your needs

Would you like to provide your customers and citizens with qualified attested attributes in the EUdi-Wallet? As a qualified trust service provider, SIGN8 is the right partner for you.

Security data protection

Strong security mechanisms ensure that the attributes provided are protected against unauthorized access and misuse.


Our solution complies with the technical standards and protocols of the EUdi-wallet and thus enables smooth use and verification of the attributes.

Reliability of the QEAA

Reliable and trustworthy sources of attributes guarantee their validity and integrity.

User friendliness

The provision and management of attributes is simple and user-friendly in order to minimize administrative effort and promote acceptance.

Simple integration

By seamlessly integrating your systems with the EUdi Wallet, you can provide qualified attested attributes efficiently and reliably without disrupting existing IT infrastructures.

Auditability and traceability

Journals make it possible to monitor and log the use and distribution of the provided attributes to support compliance requirements and security checks.

How QEAAs are issued


Would you like to have your documents certified as qualified? Apply for the QEEA for the corresponding attribute via the EUdi-Wallet at SIGN8.


We carry out identification via the eID on the ID card or via the PID of the associated persons and compare this with the details on your documents.


We then create the QEAA in a JWT format, seal the file in a qualified manner and then import it into the EUdi wallet.

Request a no-obligation demo now

SIGN8 and the EUdi-Wallet

In February 2024, the eIDAS 2.0 regulation was adopted, which pursues an ambitious goal: 80% of all EU citizens are to be equipped with a digital identity wallet, the EUdi-wallet, by 2030. Citizens and companies can use this wallet to digitally identify themselves and carry out transactions in various areas of everyday life.

The EUdi Wallet enables the integration of personal data such as first and last name, place of birth, registration address and other attributes such as driving license, diplomas or certificates. This allows private individuals to prove their university degrees, for example. However, companies also benefit from this by being able to fulfill regulatory requirements such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) guidelines more efficiently and at the same time sign associated documents or files in a legally secure manner thanks to the integrated qualified electronic signature (QES). It is important that each attribute is clearly assigned to a person or company and verified. Attributes can have two statuses: EAA (Electronic Attestation of Attributes) and QEAA (Qualified Electronic Attestation of Attributes). The QEAA status requires verification and validation by a qualified trust service provider (qTSP) listed in the Trusted List. Companies or authorities that issue attributes must keep them in a conformity-assessed register. This register, a kind of database, lists all degree certificates, for example. In this context, the requirement “conformity-assessed” means that the register must be kept by a qTSP. Companies and authorities therefore have the option of certifying themselves as qTSPs or handing over the management of the register to a qTSP. Whether you need a comprehensive solution for using QES, validating attributes and keeping registers, or just one of these services, SIGN8 is at your side – contact us!