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Are you already tendering?
With SIGN8, you can sign your tender documents electronically and submit them conveniently online.

Your participation in eTendering

What does eTendering mean?

eTendering is a digital platform that enables contracting authorities and bidders to process tenders completely online.
This includes the entire process from publication and submission of tenders to the award of the contract.
To ensure the authenticity of the documents submitted, eTendering requires a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES).

Sign remotely or locally

Whether remote or local: you are free to choose how you want to sign qualified signatures.
Our product portfolio includes the SIGN8 app for remote use, which you can use for qualified signing on the same day.
Alternatively, we also offer the option of signing locally without an internet connection using our USB token.


Do you need assistance? Our experts are happy to help you out. We have summarized the entire process, from registration with us to qualified signing, in this article.

A brief overview

How do I obtain my QES for an electronic tender procedure?

Step 1: First determine which format is required for the QES and then select the appropriate product.
If the PAdES format is required, the SIGN8 app is the right choice.
For the CAdES format, the USB token is the right option.

Order the right product

Step 2: Then order the USB token or register for the SIGN8 app directly on our homepage.
In both cases, you must identify yourself digitally before you can use the signature.
Please have a valid identification document (passport or ID card) to hand.


Step 3: Once you have successfully identified yourself, you can simply sign your tender documents with a qualified signature.

Your advantages

Easy to handle

Our intuitive and user-friendly workflows make signing child’s play.

Fast availability

As a rule, the QES is available to you on the same day for the SIGN8 app and within a few working days for the USB token.


Your data is safe with us. Our systems are checked at regular intervals in internal and external independent audits, including by the Federal Network Agency.


Customize SIGN8 to your needs. This means you can also use SIGN8 quickly and easily in everyday life for other use cases. e.g. for signing supplier agreements or employment contracts.


SIGN8 is a certified Trust Service Provider. Your advantage – your documents are not sent to other providers, but remain secure with us.

Can be integrated

Integrate secure signature processes into your own applications in no time at all with the SIGN8 API. We can help you with questions with pleasure.

Do you have any questions?

How can I identify myself?

You can confirm your identity quickly and easily online with SIGN8. To this end, we integrate the ident providers NECT, Verimi and the AuweisApp and also offer the option of on-site identification.

Can I continue to use my signature after the tender procedure?

Naturally. You can use your signature for various applications, such as signing supplier agreements or announcements. By the way: Simple and advanced signatures are also automatically available in the SIGN8 app.

Can my QES lose its validity?

No, our QES contain an integrated time stamp and are therefore LTV-capable (Long Term Validation).
This means that your QES will remain valid even if your certificate has already expired.